Call for Abstracts

Abstract submission for WVAC 2018 is now closed!

Present your research through Oral or Poster Presentations at the 34th World Veterinary Association Congress. The congress provides a unique opportunity for veterinarians in all branches of the profession to come together to explore the challenges that face animal health and welfare, to find solutions where possible and to demonstrate the value of the profession for the public good in a changing world.

Abstract Submission for WVAC 2018 is now closed!



  • Advance in Technology
  • Big Data
  • AMR Current Research
  • Veterinary Education
  • Comparative Medicine
  • Evidence-Based Medicine, Practice-Based Research


  • Disaster Management
  • Global One Health Summit (with OIE, WHO, FAO)
  • Emerging Zoonosis
  • Veterinary Professional Matters
  • Human–Animal Bond


    • Feline Medicine
    • Dermatology
    • Internal Medicine Common Syndromes
    • Imaging
    • Soft Tissue Surgery
    • Orthopedic Surgery
    • Large & Small Ruminants
    • Meeting Growing Animal Protein Demands
    • Behavior
    • Exotic Pets
    • Equine
Submission Guidelines


  • Abstracts will be accepted in English only
  • An international panel of reviewers will review all abstracts anonymously
  • There is no fee for submitting an abstract
  • There is no limit to the number of abstracts you may submit (however an individual may not be offered more than 2 oral presentations)
  • All Abstracts accepted by the Scientific Committee will be published on the Conference website prior to the meeting and it is mandatory to agree to this at the time of submission

Step 1. Title & Topic

  • The abstract title must not exceed 125 characters in length; this includes spaces.

Step 2. Authors

  • The presenting author of an accepted abstract must be registered by March 24, 2018
  • There is no limit to the number of co-authors per abstract
  • Financial Disclosure information needs to be completed for EACH co-author at the time of submission through the online abstract submission form; however, information can be provided by the submitting author
  • The submitter can view the status of co-author disclosures by clicking on 'Authors' sections of the abstract. Those with incomplete disclosures are denoted in red
  • If you would like an assistant or other person to receive notifications regarding the status of an abstract, please enter their email address on the text field provided below the list of co-authors
  • Please note your preferred presentation format. If you would not be comfortable giving an oral presentation, please select Poster Only. NOTE: Selecting Poster/Oral does not guarantee you will be assigned an oral abstract presentation upon acceptance; the final presentation type is determined by the International Scientific Abstract Review Committee

Step 3. Disclosure

ALL abstract co-authors are expected to disclose to the program audience any/all relevant financial relationships related to the content of their presentation. Kindly note that all disclosures can be submitted by the submitter on behalf of the co-authors. The submitter will NOT be able to finish the abstract submission process without the disclosures of all co-authors. Please see below list of disclosure questions that will be asked during the abstract submission process.

IMPORTANT NOTE: Per CME guidelines, industry employees cannot present an abstract if the content of the abstract relates to business lines or products of their employer.

  • Disclosure of Relevant Financial Relationships:

The author must disclose any financial interest, arrangement or affiliation with one or more organization that could be perceived as related of apparent conflict of interest in the context of the subject of this presentation over the past FIVE (5) years.

If the author has a relevant financial relationship, please provide the nature of relevant financial relationship as well as the name of company(s).

  • Presentation(s) Content: Faculty responsibility:

The author warrants that nothing in their presentation is libelous or will infringe the rights of any third party. The author also warrants that for any third party materials incorporated into their presentation, they have obtained all necessary permission from the copyright owner of such material. Upon request, the author agrees to furnish copies of said permission(s) to WVA. The author is responsible for all fees, royalties and other charges for the use of materials. The author shall indemnify WVa for all damages, costs and expenses, including attorneys' fees, incurred by WVA as a result of a violation of this paragraph.

Presentations must give a balanced view of therapeutic options. Use of generic names will contribute to this impartiality. If the CME educational material or content includes trade names, where available trade names from several companies should be used, not just trade names from a single company.

The author must read and agree to the statements above.

Step 4. Abstract Text

      • Do not include Title or Author data in the body of your abstract (There are specific places for Title and Author)
      • Abstracts may be entered directly into the site or copied and pasted
      • Research work should be original and innovative. Work can be presented prior to the WVAC 2018, but MUST include new information/data
      • Abstracts must not exceed 500 words in length (not including title and authors)
      • Tables may be included and each will count as 100 words
      • A maximum of 2 images may be included; each will count as 100 words
      • Tables, images and graphs must be uploaded in JPG or TIFF format at 300 dpi and 100% size. Any higher resolution is acceptable.
      • Abstracts must be structured with the following:
        • Background
        • Methods
        • Results
        • Conclusion

Step 5. Preview & Submit

    • Please proofread your submission prior to submitting
    • Once submitted, you will no longer be able to make edits to the abstract. If you need to make changes prior to the submission deadline, please contact us at
    • Please carefully review the affiliation of all your co-authors as this is how it will appear in the WVAC 2018 Scientific Program
Important Dates

Important Dates

Call for Abstract Opens September 13, 2017
Abstract Submission Deadline November 20, 2017
Abstract Notification January 15, 2018
Registration Deadline for Presenters March 24, 2018*

*Should the author who presents the work not be registered before March 24, 2018, the abstract will b eremoved from the program.



For any inquiries, please contact . If your inquiry is regarding a particular draft or submission, please include the abstract ID in your email.

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